Saturday, 5 March 2011

365/12 - Day 2

I have some pretty mean looking gates near my house, so I ventured just passed the end of my drive and set up this shot. If you take a look at the shadows on the floor there are two lights to the left of the shot, both street lights. The trusty bounced white umbrella closed down a lot is just out of shot camera right I decided not to gel the flash as I liked the contrast from the orange street light. I don't know why, I just did. The highlights on the small gate directly behind me are also from the same umbrella. However, the larger gate to the right is lit with a 580exII stopped down a little and snooted with the AwesomeSnoot(TM). This was needed as the right side of the shot was just black otherwise. I would have preferred those house lights to be off (they were when I started... I probably woke them up) but I don't like removing things in the post processing - so they stayed. This took more set up time, more test shots and more "posing" than Day 1 a theme that only gets worse from here on in.

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