Wednesday, 8 June 2011

365/12 - Day 16 - Meet my new Boss

I like this photo on several levels. The first and fondest of these is that it reminds me of the day I started working for my own company. My little desktop widget tells me its been one year nine months and six days since then :) in that time we have grown a small team supporting some of the world's largest companies and have had a very successful first (almost) two years.

The physical set-up for this shot was quite straight forward, I'm sitting on a dining room chair in my dining room about 1.5 feet from the wall.
The lighting was a little more tricky....

A quick reminder that I don't like to Photoshop images and a note that this is not HDRI will hopefully bring your attention to the glowing Apple logo on the back of the laptop - which is just under 300 candela (If anyone would care to work out what that means for ISO and F/stops - please do!)

Basically, the light from the laptop although bright - is nowhere near the brightness of a Canon Flash (even at 1/64). Because the main light I was using could only stop down to 1/4 it is in a closed down umbrella facing the far wall (behind the camera) at about 20 feet. This however then acted as a very soft light source as is bounced around the inside of my grey walled/white ceilinged room.

The AwesomeSnoot(TM) was attached to the 580exII and it was dialled down to 1/64, pointed at my head from a distance of about 6ft and resting nicely on the window ledge.

That's about it! I seem to remember only taking about 10 shots of this one.

Please leave comments or questions :)

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