Monday, 7 March 2011

365/12 - Day 3

Another liberal use of the street lighting and off camera flash :)

I don't know about you but when I make these images sometimes I have an idea, sometimes I have no idea, sometimes I have a theme, sometimes I have an image in my head that I want to make. Day Three was the latter.
The more astute of you will have noticed this is another Guitar shot, I promise there is only one more featuring a Guitar and its not mine.

By Day Three I was starting to get adventurous, in this photo I wanted it to look like I was walking. The obvious solution is to walk but then on a such a wide shot and so late at night how do I make sure that I'm in the focal plane when I take the photo and of course how do I take the photo?!

Keeping Focus:I quickly came up with a simple solution, you can't see it in the shot but directly under my foot is a manhole cover. This became very useful as although it was only Day Three I was becoming more and more picky about the exact shot I wanted. Every shot requiring a trip back to the camera to check the image.

Staying Lit:
Orangey glow to the back left of shot is clearly a street lamp - the very one that featured in Day Two.

The small glow of light on the road behind my feet and the light on my back is from the white bounce umbrella. I can't remember the light level but around 1/32. The umbrella is once again only half open, casting a small amount of light.

The rim light on me, which is casting the larger area of light on the road and the shadow is from a 580exII on full power (if my memory serves). I'm holding it with my left hand and its pointing directly at my face. I darn near got nuked every time it went off.

Voice Activated Carbon-Based Shutter Release:
Using a Voice Activated Carbon-Based Shutter Release, or Craig as he's known, meant that I could be in the shot. There are many arguments discussions on the internet over who the photographer is in this situation. A slightly strange, but obvious argument. In the previous two photos I used the timer. In future ones I've used an RF remote. I set up the shot, the lights and the metering etc. A Voice Activated Carbon-based Shutter is operated with the command "3 - 2 - 1 NOW" same as a timer or a remote.

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